Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Unforgettables. Volume 1.

Lately I've been trying to recapture the essence of mothering my children. I've been trying to make a conscious effort to delight in the endearing moments my kids unintentionally create. And because the
nature of growing old forces our minds to release the little details that take up space in our finite minds, I have decided to make the effort to document the little things that my kids do, which I love or
otherwise bring a smile to my face, so I can look back at any time and recapture the memory.

So here goes...

JOSIAH, age 7.

He laughs hysterically with me at my super corny "Mom" jokes.

He makes friends really easily. Wait, correction: According to him, he doesn't try to make friends... people just ask him to be their friend. (Excuse me, cool guy!!)

He's a natural ham, just like his dad.

Among his friends, he's usually the smallest in stature, but he has the most clout. In other words, he may be the "little homie" with "big homies" but he runs the joint.

While the toddlers usually make me feel like I haven't a clue how to raise my kids, Josiah is such a good kid with a really big heart. He makes me feel like I must have done something right.
(I just hope I can remember what that was...)

He gets embarrassed when his teachers rave about him during Parent/Teacher conferences.

He is self-assured and self-aware in such a good way. Deep down I think he knows that he is who he is and that's how it is... he doesn't have to follow the crowd if he doesn't want to.

He writes these super funny/awesome short stories. One was entitled "How to be a Fire Ninja" about how much he loves Club Penguin (a Disney virtual community that requires a paid monthly membership to
access all the features. We shot that down with a quickness... "Just play the free stuff, dude!"). The funniest part was when he wrote, "To get into the dojo you have to be a member. I am not a member. Because
it costs money. To become a member you have to pay $34.95. I love Club Penguin!!!!!
hahahahahaha classic.

JONAH, age two and a half.
At this age, a lot of the Unforgettables are things these little people say.

If he gets in trouble or if he doesn't get his way, he is most likely to say one of these things, if not a combination of them:

"You're making me mad!"
"You're frustrating me, Mommy"
And my fave, said through the tears, "We're still best friends, Mommy"

Driving in the car, he's muttering some stuff and I ask him what he said. And he tells me,
"I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to the window."

"Pumpim" = Pumpkin

"I make you so happy Mommy"

Jonah gives some of the best hugs. The really big, wrap his arms around your neck and squeeze, squeeze, squeeeeze!!! kind of hugs.

At dinner, he'll go around the table and ask everyone, "How's your food?"

When Joe gets home from work, he says, "Hi Daddy! How work?" :)

"Shuhs" = your
When he had just turned 2, he somehow learned to say "boobs", but he would emphasize the s - "boobsss" - and he would say "I see shuhs boobsss!!! I see shuhs boobsss!!!" (I see your boobs!!!) hahaha

BELLA, age one and a half.

She runs with her arms behind her like she's flying.

One time, during bath time, she put a plastic cup on her foot and laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.

She LOVES to eat! Usually she's the first one to start and the lastone to finish...and not because she eats slow...

She nods "yes" with not only her head, but with her face, raising her eyebrows as she nods.

She plays dress up with me.

When I tell her to check herself out in the mirror, the first thing she checks out is her backside.

When Joe gets home from work, she runs to the door and greets him:
"DADDY! DADDY! DADDY!" (and she says it "DAWH-DEE")

Even though she doesn't really say many words, she sings her heart out when there's music. Especially in the car.

She helps me put face moisturizer on.

Just recently she started to build her repertoire of vocabulary words.
Now, instead of saying "Hah" for "Hi" she says: "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
Yes!!! Enunciation!! Keep up the good work B!!!!

She's a tough little girl... a bit clumsy, but tough indeed.

She toprocks like Joe. hahahaha (What is toprockin?)

She's the snuggiest cuddler EVER!!! She caresses your arm when you cuddle and she won't sleep unless you lay down with her and cuddle.

My kids are really amazing and such a gift from God. My life would be so different without them... I feel so blessed to have been given the privilege to be their Mama. And while it's exciting to watch them grow and become their own persons, I know these moments are fleeting and that childhood turns to adulthood all too quickly. Maybe one day, they'll find this blog and see in it the love I have for them...

I love you kids! I thank God for every day He has given me and will give me with you. Xo, Mommy

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