Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Born Performer

Best video ever. Check out my kid, fourth one from the left in the front row.
Now that's true commitment to a performance!

Church of the Open Door's 2011 Vacation Bible Adventure
1st and 2nd graders perform "Stories"

Sunday, June 19, 2011

He's Gonna Be Just Like You.

I found this perfectly appropriate for Father's Day.
Our children will follow in so many of our footsteps... so parents, tread carefully!
And most importantly, led the Lord Jesus lead your way.
Happy Father's Day to the most important men in our children's lives.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

school's out.

my oldest is officially a second grader.

on the last day of school, he brought home a couple of booklets they compiled of his writing assignments over the year, complete with illustrations, and it was... amazing.

as i looked through the pages and reviewed his work, i thought to myself, "i'm gonna keep this forever!" (total mom reaction! and i fully intend to!) it is probably the closest thing to being able to hold in my hands the growing up of my very first child. his thoughts, emotions and perspectives will never be quite the same as what is reflected in his writings.

some of my faves: 

Love is when my Mom lets me play the Wii. Love is when my sister and brother give me XOs.

On Thanksgiving I go to my uncle Justins. I eat squishy turkey, shmoot pumpkin pie, gravy mashed potatoes. I play soccer and bascit ball also football. I feel full like a fat fat turkey that can bloew up! I like Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving because I like my famaly. I am thanks for Jayden and club penguin.

If I were president it would be swel. I would go to the Philipines. I would have body guard and a oval office. I would be patriotic. I would help animals. I would like to be president. And I would go to San fricisco a live in a hotel.

Once upon a time in a Japanese village lived a prince named Josiah. One day a dastardly dragon was going to blow up the town with his blue fire! Handsome price Josiah is going to run at him with a sword but he blows blue fire at me! But I blasked it with my sword. I handcuft the red dragon and put him in the castle dungeon. They lived hapily ever after. The End.

simply priceless.

i love you si guy. mommy's so proud of you.