Saturday, July 30, 2011

the best day

This is such a sweet song by the talented Taylor Swift. This rendition isn't actually Taylor singing, but it fits pretty perfectly with a little girl singing given that it's a song she wrote for her mom about her childhood. Every time I listen to this song, it always evokes an emotional response - as a daughter and as a mom.. I either get choked up or I'm full blown crying by the end of it... funny how music has that affect on us.

As I've grown as a mother, I've had some strong realizations that have changed my perspective and approach to motherhood and my children. I would say that the underlying theme to my motherhood would be "Cherish the Fleeting Moments". We only have our children for a short while, and we should be careful not to take for granted the time we have with them. One day they'll be too big to hold snugly in our arms. One day they'll be too grown to crawl into our laps or cuddle in our beds. One day they'll be too busy to spend time with us. And we'll look back and find sadness in our souls for letting those chances pass us by too easily. And when they're all grown up and independent, our ability as parents to influence their decision-making and to teach them values and important lessons will have greatly diminished. And with those convictions, I'm consistently reminded of the importance of connectedness and involvement in our children's lives.

In the second verse, Taylor sings about her experience as a thirteen-year-old girl... an experience all too common among girls of that age. I remember being there too. And it always make me sad and anxious to think about my baby girl going through that. I pray that she doesn't, but there's a good chance she may find herself there, given the nature of girl relationships at that age. And I want to lay the foundation now with her so that I can be the mom she needs me to be during those painful times in her life.

I'm thankful for God having put these things on my heart... and for the way He reassures me that the choices I have made, am making, and will make for the benefit of my children are for the best. I've recently sacrificed a great career with a company I love to have a full-time and actively involved role in raising the greater loves of my life. This season of our family's life will pass all too quickly and I'm so blessed to have this opportunity with my kids. Being a mom is such a tremendous blessing... it is truly one of God's most unique and amazing gifts to us as women.


"The Best Day"
By Taylor Swift

I'm five years old
It's getting cold
I've got my big coat on

I hear your laugh
And look up smiling at you
I run and run

Past the pumpkin patch
And the tractor rides
Look now -- the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep
On the way home

I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day
With you today

I'm thirteen now
And don't know how my friends
Could be so mean

I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys

And we drive and drive
Until we've found a town
Far enough away

And we talk and window-shop
Until I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to
Now at school
I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day
With you today

I have an excellent father
His strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother
Inside and out
He's better than I am

I grew up in a pretty house
And I had space to run
And I had the best days with you

There is a video
I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen
And you're talking to me

It's the age of princesses and pirate ships
And the seven dwarfs
Daddy's smart
And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

Now I know why all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side
Even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
Staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day
With you today